“For example, if a person has anxiety about driving in traffic, this may be helpful if it promotes more cautious driving behaviour. If anxiety is making you so cautious that you are a danger to other drivers by driving too slow, fast or indecisively for instance, or if you avoid driving at all, then the anxiety has become a problem. If the person’s anxiety leads them to stop going to work or visiting friends and family because they do not want to travel in a vehicle, then the anxiety is disrupting their life. It would suggest the possibility of an anxiety disorder, which may require professional mental health support to overcome,” she notes.
Mlotshwa says there are multiple types of anxiety disorders, including social anxieties or social phobia, separation anxieties and panic attacks.
“Fortunately, professional help is available and there are various ways of treating and navigating anxiety, which may be useful either on their own or in combination,” she adds.
“Exercise can be very helpful, as it promotes the healthy production of serotonin and endorphins to help regulate anxious feelings. These natural hormones promote feelings of calm and well-being, and can assist in managing the symptoms. Exercise is often recommended in conjunction with other interventions, such as psychotherapy or medication prescribed by a psychiatrist.”
Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is one of the techniques psychologists most frequently use when treating anxiety disorders. “Through CBT, unhealthy thinking patterns that elevate anxiety levels are identified and challenged. Often, CBT will also include elements of exposure therapy and relaxation techniques.”
Exposure therapy, which should only ever be undertaken with a trained professional, involves slow and gradual exposure to whatever is triggering the client’s anxiety, with the aim of diminishing their distress.
“Relaxation techniques can also assist in managing the symptoms of anxiety. These include practices such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and mindful sensory engagements. Through focusing on external and physical experiences or senses, we can help the person to step out of their internal emotional experiences. Once the client is comfortable with relaxation techniques, they can be applied whenever needed, without the presence of a guiding professional.”
“Psychiatrists may prescribe anti-anxiety medication to help address the chemical causes of anxiety within the body. Medication should only ever be taken exactly as prescribed, and it is important not to stop taking psychiatric medicine without first consulting your treating doctor, even if you are feeling better,” Mlotshwa advises.
“Anxiety disorders can be devastating, but the good news is that help is available. It is possible to overcome anxiety and reclaim your life.”
In the event of a psychological crisis, emergency support can be reached on 0861 435 787, 24 hours a day.
If you need information about mental health services, accessing care, information about mental health issues, or are in an emotional crisis, Akeso is here to help.
You can contact us on info@akeso.co.za; visit www.akeso.co.za; or book psychologist and occupational therapist consultations via www.copetherapy.co.za and psychiatrist consultations through Netcare appointmed™, online at www.netcareappointmed.co.za or by calling 0861 555 565. The COPE Therapy website www.copetherapy.co.za also contains many useful blog posts on various issues and tips relating to mental health.